
The new version ApplStream 5

Saturday, 15 October 2011 02:00
The new version ApplStream 5

A New Version. What is new with this version...
Dear customers, users of Oracle E-Business Suite, let us announce a release of a new version 5 of the ApplStream® portal. Through considerable steps of improvement we have contributed to higher comfort of work with displayed data on the ApplStream® portal.




CUT Function, keeps up to 3 first columns of a report on the screen.

This function makes it possible for you to keep first columns with the basic entity on the screen all the time and roll data from right to left, so that you can always see first columns in the case of a wide report with more columns.


 SDU Function (Storage Data User), saving own data.

Saving data in a local user area and a possibility to return to them any time in future without the necessity to bother a database. This function speeds up the access to information, about which you know that it is not updated often and it doesn't matter it is not available on-line.


 Graph Generator

The Graph Generator using data, which you can see on the screen,  becomes a standard function. A lucid selected type of a graph is immediately generated upon simple click on an icon and choosing basic graph parameters. The view  adjusted this way can be saved into “Favourites” by a standard function and be available routinely.


 Summarization in Horizontal Modules

Starting with version 5 users have the possibility to summarize data also in horizontal modules. There was a possibility to summarize data purely in all standard vertical modules till this time. We have adjusted the technology in horizontal modules and have released global usage of the function this way.

 Other – Logical dividing of icons on a bar, logout

Active icons – the action is performed by clicking an icon
Sequential icons – setting an icon into the required mode and performing the action by clicking “Search”.
Filters – fields activated automatically in some modules

