
Free up IT recources …

Using ApplStream aplication you release IT resources from reporting and solving users claims, to allow commitment to projects with higher priority. ApplStream enables you to release up to 95% of your IT human resource to other projects.
The installation of Applstream application does not require vast analysis and long term implementation by IT professionals. Your IT team will not be occupied by Applstream.

  • IT Management

    ApplStream® is a leading Oracle EBS report writer built with our own DNA technology. It is a ‘simple to use‘ reporting solution for Business Intelligent, and is designed specifically for all users of th ...
  • Operation management

    The ultimate goal of any data management strategy is to get the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time, and at the end of its lifecycle, the information has to be dispose ...
  • Independence

    Independence from IT support is the key idea for all our solutions. Our objective for the user is to have no need to consul ...
  • Return On Investment

    Different licencing strategy offers a very interesting licence price.Software Modules provide complete solutions for each functional department, with no require ...

